Highlights: Patsy’s, Graffiti Hall of Fame, Taiyaki

When “let’s go to Chinatown to get ice cream” turns into a Manhattan loop(ish). Started out at Union Square, biked up the Hudson to Inwood Park (it was too cold/muddy to actually go into the woods), across town on MLK Blvd to get pizza at Patsy’s, down Central Park and into Chinatown for some super cute ice cream fishes.

We took a fun pit stop at the Graffiti Hall of Fame, which is a lot smaller than the reputation its name conveys, but hey look: Graffiti Hall of Fame

The ride

Food stops

  1. Patsy’s has both a sit down restaurant and a takeaway place. Takeaway is actually nice if you don’t want to lock up your bikes. Take the pizza to-go and go around the cornor to the park on 118th and 1st Ave where there are benches and tables to eat at: Patsy's Pizza

  2. Taiyaki for these super Instagram-able and delicious ice cream fishes - a modern (and by modern I mean Americanized) twist to a classic Japanese dessert: Taiyaki

If you’re craving something warm instead, they have a Croiyaki - basically a croissant danish with either a custard or a red bean filling. Yum: Taiyaki