Highlights: We did it!

All our summer rides built up to this moment, and we finished. This ride can be pretty stressful if you’re not used to city biking - actually let’s be real, it’s stressful even if you are comfortable biking in the city. The not-so-fun parts of this ride: no streets are blocked off (we bike in the car lanes most of the way), we are forced to walk our bikes up the bridges, we have to follow these super faint yellow spray-painted arrows on the ground for directions, and it’s super hot. Besides that, the food stops are great and frequent, except be prepared for that last distance from Queens to the Bronx - it’s a long stretch before you get to another rest stop. You get to see ALLLLLL of New York City, and get major street cred for accomplishing this feat.

Pro tip: Don’t spend too much time at the stops, else you’ll be biking for 12+ hours. It’s best to leave right at the start of the ride and hang with the pack. That way, you can ease up a little and don’t have to be alert all the time trying to find these faint direction arrows.

The ride

At mile 20(ish)

NYC Century Ride Data Bikers

At mile 100(ish)

NYC Century Ride Data Bikers